〔摘要〕 目的:探明牙本质深龋中的主要相关菌。方法:利用色谱法、裂解法等对龋坏牙本质分三层作细菌分离、鉴定、分析。结果:牙本质龋中的主要相关菌为乳杆菌和变链菌,龋内层牙本质中的细菌含量较外层少。结论:乳杆菌促进牙本质龋的发展,在牙本质龋进展中脱矿在先,细菌入侵在后。
An analysis of bacteriology on dentin caries of crown
Gu Shuping, Liu Zheng, Song Peizhi. Department of Oral Medicine of No.9 People's Hospital, Shanghai Second Medical University,Shanghai 200011
〔Abstract〕Objective: To determine the c
ariogenic bacteria in deep dentinal caries.Method:The bacteria in outer and inner layer of carious dentin and pulp were isolated,identificated and analysed with chromatography and pyrolysis.Result:Lactobacillus and streptococcus mutans were found to be the main bacteria in the carious dentin.There were more bacteria in the outer layer than in the inner layer.Conclusion:Lactobacillus may promote the progress of dentinal caries,during the progression of dentin demineralization,then invasion of bacteria follows.
Key words Dental caries; Lactobacillus; Streptococcus mutans
1 材料和方法
1.1 牙齿 新拔除的冠部牙本质龋坏牙20个,13个牙髓穿露,7个牙髓未穿露(其中4个活髓牙,3个死髓牙)。
1.2 细菌检验 用龋蚀检知液(含5 g/L食用大红色素的丙二醇)染色龋部5 min后,将牙齿沿长轴劈开,分三层取样,即染色层龋坏牙本质、染色与未染色临界处牙本质、牙髓。将样本放入已称重的小试管,再称重得样本湿重,按常规法分离、培养龋相关菌〔1〕。
1.3 鉴定 根据Bergey细菌手册中的标准鉴定细菌〔2〕。
2 结 果