作者:浙江大学医学院口腔医学系 朱赴东
摘 要 目的:为了观测不同抛光方法对复合体染色程度的影响。方法:本实验将18颗人类离体牙随机分成A、B、C三大组,所有V类洞洞型位于釉牙本质交界处,每组10个,共30个洞型。分别用复合树脂Spectrum,复合体F2000 compomer、Dyract AP修复V类洞。每大组分成两小组分别用砂石磨光后涂粘结剂及彩虹抛光碟抛光。所有牙齿浸泡于食用酱油中一周后,用双盲法比较其染色深浅。结果:结果显示,砂石磨光后涂粘结剂及彩虹抛光碟抛光取得了相似的抛光效果。在本实验条件下,无论采用何种抛光方法,复合体F2000 compomer较Dyract AP着色为深(P<0.05),而复合树脂Spectrum与复合体Dyract AP皆无显著差异(P>0.05)。结论:因此在本实验条件下,复合体经过砂石磨光后涂粘结剂可获得与抛光碟相似
的抛光效果,复合体F2000 compomer较Dyract AP更易着色。
关键词 复合体 抛光 染色〖HK〗
Effect of the different Polishing Procedures on Surfacial Staining of Compomers
Zhu Fudong,Fu Baiping,Zhao Shifang
Department of Stomatology,Medical College,Zhejiang University (310031)
Abstract:Objective:The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate the effects of the different polishing procedures on the surfacial staining ability of compomers (F2000 compomer & Dyract AP).Methods:Thirty burprepared cavities on the 18 extracted human teeth were randomly assigned into 3 groups (A,B,C) with ten cavities each.The cavities were filled with Spectrum resin composite (group A),F2000 compomer (group B) and Compomer Dyract AP (group C).Half specimens in each group were polished using Supersnap discs or bond.Another half were applied with bonding agents (Scotchbond,Prime & Bond NT) after they were finished with green stone.After all specimens were steeped in soy for one week,the degree of stain of the restorative surfaces was evaluated.Results:It