[摘要]牙周炎是指发生在牙齿支持组织的炎症。早发性牙周炎或(和)重度牙周炎常有家族聚集性。宿主对牙周炎的易感性与某些特殊染色体的特殊基因有关。因此,对可能相关基因的研究对研究牙周炎的发生、发展和治疗有中重要意义。已有报道:白细胞介素-1基因、维生素D受体基因、组织非特异性碱性磷酸酶基因、FcγR基因、HLA基因、前列腺素E2基因等与早发性牙周炎和重度牙周炎有关。例如:在炎症反应中细胞因子白细胞介素1和肿瘤坏死因子α对牙周组织有影响。位于2号染色体长臂1区3带的两个基因IL-1β+3953 和 IL-1α-889(统称牙周炎相关基因型)与重度牙周炎不同程度的牙槽骨破坏有关。牙周炎相关基因型阳性患者龈沟液中白细胞介素1β水平比阴性患者高,而不同基因型对肿瘤坏死因子α水平无影响。因为牙周炎与其它系统疾病相关,而关节炎(APOE epsilon 等位基因 4、6号染色体长臂2区2带的一个3-
[Abstract]Periodontitis is a kind of inflammatory disease that happens in periodontal supportive tissues. Early-onset periodontitis (EOP) or severe periodontitis often has familial aggregation. The host susceptibility of periodontitis is related to some specific genes of specific chromosomes. So the study of possible related genes has great value for us to investigate pathogenesis, progression and treatment of periodontitis. It has been reported that genes of IL-1, Vitamin D receptor, TNSALP(tissue-nonspecific alkaline phosphatase), FcγR, HLA, PGE2 et al were associated with EOP and severe periodontitis. For example,both cytokines of IL-1 and TNF-αeffect on periodontal tissues in inflammatory reaction.The IL-1βand IL-1αgenes locating on chromosome 2q13?IL-1β+3953 and IL-1α-889,viz. periodontitis-associated genotype (PAG) ?have related to various destruction of alveoli in severe peri