摘要 目的:探讨在口腔粘膜癌前病变中,用无创的脱落细胞涂片检查进行微核计数的临床意义。方法:对75例口腔癌前病变或口腔癌患者和90例对照者进行了口腔粘膜脱落细胞微核计数的分析。结果:白斑和鳞癌患者病损处细胞微核数高于扁平苔藓患者及正常人。(P<0.001)结论:白斑较扁平苔藓更易产生染色体损伤,形成微核,进而具有更大的恶变潜能。微核的出现预示着癌前病变发生的早期。关键词:微核 脱落细胞 癌前病变
Studies of micronuclei in oral exfoliative cells of precancerous lesion. ZHOU Xuan, LIU Hongwei, GAO Yan. School of Stomatology, Beijing University, Beijing. 100081
bjective: To evaluate the diagnostic significance of micronucleus assay by using exfoliative cytological examination. Methods: 75 patients were selected, including 39 patients with leukoplakia (Lk), 15 patients with lichen planus (LP) and 21 patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Cells were scrapped from the lesions. The frequency of micronucleated(MN) cells was calculated. Results: The mean percentage of MN cells in the lesions of Lk or SCC is significantly higher than both in normal individuals and in patients with LP(P<0.001). Conclusion: Lk is more likely to have chromosome breakage and malignant transformation than LP. The micronucleus test is applicable to observe the early change of pre-malignant lesion. Key Words: micronuclei exfoliative cell precancerous lesion