课程名称(中、英文):口腔专业英语 Stomatological Technical English
Teaching Outline for Professional English
For Operative dentistry/Endodontics
/periodontics/Oral Medicine
For the Students of Five-Year and Seven Year Classes
of the West China School of Stomatology, Sichuan University
Dept. of conservative dentistry, West China College of Stomatology of Sichuan University
一、 教学目的及要求:
Objective of the course is to train the students in reading, translating, apprehending and writing of professional English in the field of Cariology, Endodontology, Periodontology and Oral Medicine.
The students will be required pre-reading the text, listening the teachers’ lecture and complete assigned homework. After each lesson, the students should be able to thoroughly understanding the context, remembering the related professional terms, bring forward questions and answer by their own. based on the text.
The teachers’ desire is to teach not only the professional knowledge, but also the professional English skills as a tool of catching up international modern advances in the field of Cariology, Endodontology, Periodontology and Oral Medicine for the students of the West China College of Stomatology, Sichuan University.
The course will be delivered in 12 units of lectures, each in 2 hours.
Lesson 1. Clinical Features Of Dental caries
Teaching hours: 2.
By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:
Understand the characteristic features of dental caries
Recognize the characteristic features of root surface caries and occlusal caries.
Be familiar macroscopic features and Surface features of the clinical ‘white spot’ lesion
Language Training: From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentences chosen from the text to exercise ability of comprehending and writing in English if the course time allowed.
Terms should be taken into mind:
dental caries n. 龋 white spot lesion 白恶班损害
facet-area n. 面,面区 dental floss 牙线
brown spot lesion棕褐色的,褐色班损害 remineralization 再矿化
interproximal a. 邻面 perikymata n 釉面横纹
discoloration n. 变色 fissure caries 沟裂,沟裂龋
focus n. 病灶 groove-fossa system 窝沟系统
Lesson 2. Stages And Steps In Cavity Preparation
Teaching hours: 2.
By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:
Understand the proper stages and steps in cavity preparation.
Recognize the initial stage and the final stage of cavity preparation
Be familiar with the concept of outline form, initial depth, resistance form, retention form, convenience form, final procedures.
Language Training: From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentences chosen from the text to exercise ability of comprehending and writing in English if the course time allowed.
Terms should be taken into mind:
cavity preparation 制备,洞型制备,预备 outline form 外形,洞缘形
resistance form 抗力形 retention form 固位形
convenience form 便利形 varnishing n. 上洞漆
conditioning 指修复前的一些准备工作 cavosurface angle 洞缘角
air syringe 喷枪、注射机,气枪 cling 附着
microleakage 微漏
Lesson 3. Amalgam Restorations
Teaching hours: 2.
By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:
Understand concept of Amalgam
Recognize Class 1 and 2 preparations and insertion techniques for dental amalgam.
Be familiar with advantages and disadvantages of dental amalgam
Language Training: From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentences chosen from the text to exercise ability of comprehending and writing in English if the course time allowed.
Terms should be taken into mind:
amalgam n. 汞合金 faciolingual a. 面舌的,颊舌的
resin fissure sealant树脂窝沟封闭剂 marginal ridge a. 边缘嵴
mesiodistally adv. 近远中向地 etchant n. 刻蚀剂
slot restoration 开槽性修复 round bur 钻针,球钻
handpiece n. 牙科用手机
Lesson 4 . Initial Endodontic Treatment Problems
Teaching hours: 2.
By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:
Understand symptoms, clinical signs, prognosis and treatment of reversible pulpitis, irreversible pulpitis, acute periapical inflammation.
Recognize three categories of endodontic treatment problems
Be familiar with symptoms, clinical signs, prognosis and treatment of chronic periapical inflammation.
Language Training: From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentences chosen from the text to exercise ability of comprehending and writing in English if the course time allowed.
Terms should be taken into mind:
reversible pulpitis 可复性牙髓炎 analgesic n. 止痛药
sequela n. 后遗症 irreversible pulpitis 不可复性牙髓炎
broach 髓针 pulpotomy n. 牙髓切断术
formocresol n. 甲醛甲酚 ubperiosteal adj. 骨膜下的
intraseptal adj. 间隔内的 interligamentary adj. 韧带内的
exudates 渗出物,渗出液 radiolucency 射线透射性
Lesson 5. Rationale and Application of Endodontic Therapy
Teaching hours: 2.
By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:
Understand root canal preparation, obturation of the root canal.
Recognize surgical procedures.
Be familiar with the definition of rationale
Language Training: From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentences chosen from the text to exercise ability of comprehending and writing in English if the course time allowed.
Terms should be taken into mind:
rationale n 基本原理,理论基础 sepsis n. 脓毒症
apicoectomy n. 根尖切断术 file n. 锉
reamer n. 扩大针 obturation 封闭
gutta percha 牙胶 root perforation根管穿孔
curettage n. 刮除术 root resection 根尖切除术
hemisection n. 半切术
Lesson 6. Nonsurgical Treatment for Endodontic Emergencies
Teaching hours: 2.
By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:
Understand the diagnosis for Endodontic Emergencies
Recognize the electric pulp test, thermal tests, percussion and palpation
Be familiar with a philosophy of Endodontics
Language Training: From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentences chosen from the text to exercise ability of comprehending and writing in English if the course time allowed.
Terms should be taken into mind:
chief complaint 主诉 electric pulp test 牙髓电活力测试
neuralgia n. 神经痛 hydrodynamic theory 流体动力学说
thermal test 温度诊 percussion n. 叩诊
palpation n. 扪诊 periosteum n. 骨膜
purulent adj. 化脓的
Lesson7 . Examination of the Periodontium
Teaching hours: 2.
By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:
Understand concept , and concent of periodontal examination .the examinatin og the gingiva and periodontal pockets
Recognize How to determin the activity of periodontal disease
Be familiar with the determination of the attachment loss
Language Training: From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentences chosen from the text to exercise ability of comprehending and writing in English if the course time allowed.
Terms should be taken into mind:
Periodontium 牙周组织 supragingival plaque 龈上菌斑
stipple 点彩 periodontal pocket 牙周袋
supraybony 骨上的 infrabony 骨下的
bleeding on probing 探诊出血 juvenile periodontitis 青少年牙周炎
mucogingival junction 膜龈联合 gingival sulcus 龈沟
1)give rise to 导致,造成
2).penetrate into 插入
3)confuse with 把 与 混淆
Lesson 8. Clinical Features of Gingivitis
Teaching hours: 2.
By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:
1 Understand what changes will occur when gingiva was inflamed. How do you describe the manifestation of gingivitis. What are the color changes in the gingivitis.
Recognize the reasons coused the changes of clinical features of gingivitis
Be familiar with the classification of gingivitis,the definition of recession
Language Training: From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentences chosen from the text to exercise ability of comprehending and writing in English if the course time allowed.
Terms should be taken into mind:
gingivitis 牙龈炎 acute gingivitis 急性牙龈炎 subacute gingivitis 亚急性牙龈炎 recurrent gingivitis 复发性龈炎 chronic gingivitis 慢性牙龈炎 localized gingivitis 局限性牙龈炎 generalized ginginvitis 广泛性牙龈炎 marginal gingivitis 边缘性龈炎 papillary gingivitis 龈乳头炎 diffuse gingivitis 弥散性牙龈炎 gingival bleeding 牙龈出血 acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis 急性坏死溃疡性龈炎 herpetic gingivostomatitis 疱疹性龈口炎 pigmentation 色素沉着 edematous 水肿的 recession 退缩
Self-study:the eiology of the clinical changes of gingivitis.the histopathologic changes in gingival consistency
Lesson 9. Supragingival Scaling Technique
Teaching hours: 2.
By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:
Understand.the characteristic of supragingival scaling and subgingival scaling.the instruments of supragingival scaling 、subgingival scaling and root planning.
Recognize ultrasonic scaling technique
Be familiar with how to ues the instrumants of the supragingival scaling and subgingival scaling,the evaluation of scaling and root planing.
Language Training: From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentences chosen from the text to exercise ability of comprehending and writing in English if the course time allowed.
Terms should be taken into mind:
supragingival scaling 龈上洁治术 subgingival scaling 龈下洁治术 root planing 根面平整 sickle 镰形器 curette 匙形器 hoe 锄形器 chisel 凿 modified pen grasp 改良握笔式 finger rest 支点 overlapping 叠瓦式的
Lesson 10. Aphthous ulcers
Teaching hours: 2.
By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:
Understand concept ,clinical feature and types of recurrent aphthous ulcers
Recognize the synonyms , etiology, course and treatment principle of recurrent aphthous ulcers.
Be familiar with the triggering factors ,the associated diseases, histopathology and laboratory diagnosis ,differential diagnosis of recurrent aphthous ulcers.
Language Training: From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentences chosen from the text to exercise ability of comprehending and writing in English if the course time allowed.
Terms should be taken into mind:
Disease terms: aphthae(口疮,小溃疡), crohn’s disease(克罗恩病,局限性肠炎), herpangina(疱疹性咽峡炎), Behcet’s disease( 白塞氏病),herpes simplex virus(单纯疱疹病毒), sialometaplasia(涎腺化生),fixed drug eruption(固定性药疹),cold sore(感冒疮),lymphadenopathy(淋巴结病),dermatoses(皮肤病),canker sore 口腔溃疡,papule(丘疹)。
General terms:crateriform(火山口状的),halo(晕,轮),keratinize(角质化),vermilion(朱红色的),herpetiform(疱疹样的),over the counter 非处方药,psychosomatic(身心相关的)。
Anatomy terms: uvula(悬雍垂),scrotum(阴囊),buccal(颊部的),labial(唇部的),frenulum(系带),epiglottis(会厌)
1) bring about… 导致…,造成…,引起…, for example: The combination of traditional Chinese with Western medicine has brought about great improvements in the treatment of diseases. 中西医结合使治疗疾病有了很大改进。
2) by far 目前,至今。
3) in spite of… 尽管,虽然, for example: He kept on fighting in spite of his wounds. 他虽受伤仍继续作战。
4) owing to… 由于…,因为…for example: The patient cannot open his mouth owing to pain. 病人由于疼痛而不能张口。
Lesson 11. lichen planus
Teaching hours: 2.
By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:
Understand concept ,clinical feature of oral lichen planus
Recognize the lichen planus as a precancerous condition,the course and treatment principle of lichen planus。
Be familiar with the etiology,histopathology,differential diagnosis of lichen planus。
Language Training: From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentences chosen from the text to exercise ability of comprehending and writing in English if the course time allowed.
Terms should be taken into mind:
Disease terms: lichen planus (扁平苔藓),desquamative gingivitis(剥脱性龈炎),hyperpigmentation(色素沉着),acanthosis(棘皮症)。
General terms:pruritus(骚痒症),Wickham’s striae(威肯纹),polygonal(多角形的),cobblestone(鹅卵石),biopsy(活检),precancerous(癌症前期的),hypertrophy(肥大),erosive(糜烂的)。
Anatomy terms: scalp(头皮),genitalia(外生殖器),lamina propria(固有层),epidermal(表皮的)。
1) on account of因为. For example: He was absent on account of illness., 他因病缺席。
2) refer to指的是;涉及;参考, for example: He is referring to that case. 他指的是那个病例。
3) and so forth等等。
Lesson12. Vesicular and Bullous Autoimmune Disease
Teaching hours: 2.
By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:
Understand concept ,category and etiopathogenesis of pemphigus vulgaris.
Recognize the clinical features and histopathology of pemphigus vulgaris, bullous pemphigoid, cicatricial pemphigoid, and how to diagnose them
Be familiar with the differential diagnosis and therpy of bullous autoimmune disease, the etiopathogenesis of autoimmune disease.
Language Training: From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentences chosen from the text to exercise ability of comprehending and writing in English if the course time allowed.
Terms should be taken into mind:
desmosome n. 细胞桥粒; acantholysis n. 棘层松解; tombstoning 墓碑现象; reversible a. 可逆的; immunofluorescent n. 免疫荧光; Steroid-sparing节制激素疗法; epidermolysis bullosa acquisita 获得性大疱表皮松解
Drug terms: azathioprine 硫唑嘌呤,义美仁,依木兰,咪唑巯嘌呤,氮杂硫代嘌呤; tetracycline n.四环素; erythromycin n.红霉素;. cylophosphamide n.环磷酰胺; fluocinonide n. 氟轻松; clioquinol n.氯喹,氯碘羟喹; chlorambucil n. 苯丁酸氮芥,瘤可宁,流克伦,氯氨布西,氯恩巴锡[烷化剂抗肿瘤药]; dapsone n.氨苯砜[抗麻风病药]
Anatomy terms: palate 腭; vestibule前庭,外生殖腔(昆虫),气门室(昆虫),孔腔; buccal a.颊部的, 颊的, 口的, 口腔的;
Disease terms: erosion n. 糜烂; hemorrhagic a.出血的; hygiene n.卫生, 卫生学; halitosis n. 口臭; prosthesis n. 修复术,假体(眼,牙,肢等); urticaria n.荨麻疹; erythematous a. 红斑的; conjunctivitis n.结膜炎; photophobian.光敏; symblepharon n.睑球粘连; ankyloblepharon n.睑缘粘连; neovascularization n. 新血管化; hypopigmentation n. 色素沉着; alopecia n.秃头症;
1)prior to:较早的, 在先的; Prevent…from(+动名词)使…不致,阻止, Example:The storm prevented him from coming. 暴风雨使他不能来。
2)it is well known to 众所周知
3)the fatality rate from致死率
4)center on 重点在于,着重于
5)sensitive to 敏感,易于,容易 For example:The patients are sensitive to trauma.这类病人容易受伤。
教材名称 口腔内科专业英语 Technical English in Cariology,Endodontology,Periodontology and Oral Medicine 口腔内科编选 Department of Conservative Dentistry,Periodontology and Oral Medicine,Wesr China School of Stomatology,Sichuan University
1. Fundamentals of operative dentistry, Schwartz RS, Summit JB, Robbins JW, Quintessence publishing Co. Inc, 1996
2. The art and science of operative dentistry, Sturdevant CM, roderson TM, Mosby, third edition,1995
3. 张举之. 口腔内科学. 第三版. 北京:人民卫生出版社,1995.
4. Newman MG , Takei H , Carranza FA. Carranza’s Clinical Periodontology. 9th Edition .Philadelphia: W.B.Saunders Company,2002.
5. 李秉琦主编 口腔粘膜病学 第五版,人民卫生出版社,北京,2003
Writing test in the end of the course of 24 hours will be required. The scores of the test will be as final scores of the students for this subject.
Teaching Outline for Professional English
for Oral Maxillofacial Surgery
For the Students of Five-Year and Seven Year Classes
of the West China School of Stomatology, Sichuan University
Dept. of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery, West China College of Stomatology of Sichuan University
一、 教学目的及要求:
Objective of the course is to train the students in reading, translating, apprehending and writing of professional English in the field of oral maxillofacial surgery . The students will be required pre-reading the text, listening the teachers’ lecture and complete assigned homework. After each lesson, the students should be able to thoroughly understanding the context, remembering the related professional terms, bring forward questions and answer by their own. based on the text.
The teachers’ desire is to teach not only the professional knowledge, but also the professional English skills as a tool of catching up international modern advances in the field of oral maxillofacial surgery for the students of the West China College of Stomatology, Sichuan University.
The course will be delivered in 12 units of lectures, each in 2 hours. The last 3 case reports are for self-study.
Lesson 1. Anesthesia
Teaching hours: 2.
By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:
Understand concept ,category and contraindications of local anesthesia
Recognize postinjection complications and how to avoid them.
Be familiar with the objective of commonly used methods producing local anesthesia in oral surgery in relation to anatomy of the injection points and distributions of the peripheral nerve endings for each methods. .
Language Training: From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentences chosen from the text to exercise ability of comprehending and writing in English if the course time allowed.
Terms should be taken into mind:
hypodermic a. 皮下的,皮下注射的; instillation n. 滴注,注入,滴法; reversible a. 可逆的; coagulation n. 凝固,凝结; preanesthetic a. 前驱麻醉,准备麻醉;
Drug terms: ethyl chloride 氯乙烷; Novocain, procaine n. 奴佛卡因, 普鲁卡因; barbiturate n. 巴比土酸盐;. epinephrine (suprarenin), n. 肾上腺素(商品名)ointment n. 软膏,油膏; . anodyne n. 镇痛剂; .
Anatomy terms: periosteum n. (复periostea) 骨膜; periosteal a. 骨膜的; loop n. 环,圈; sheath n. 鞘; perineurium n. 神经束膜; ganglion n. (复ganglia) 神经节foramen n. (复foramina) 孔; maxilla n. (复maxillae) 上颌骨; infraorbital a. 眶下的; tuberosity n. 结节;粗隆
Disease terms: contraindication n. 禁忌症; neurasthenic a. 神经衰弱的; hematoma n. (复hematomata) 血肿; . trismus n. 牙关紧闭; paralyze v. 使麻痹,使瘫痪;; pericementitis n. 牙周膜炎; . idiosyncrasy n. 特应性;特异性质; ecchymosis n. 瘀斑; dermatitis n. 皮炎
1).动词prevent 常与介词 from连用: Prevent…from(+动名词)使…不致,阻止, Example:The storm prevented him from coming. 暴风雨使他不能来。
2). from time to time 不时地,时时
3) in the proportion of… 按…的比例
4) by way of… 通过…,用…方法
5) take…into consideration 考虑到…,注意到…。 For example:We must take their opinions into consideration. 我们必须考虑他们的意见。
6) in a position to(+不定式)能够…,有能力…
7) cope with… 对付…,克服…
Lesson 2. Extraction of Teeth
Teaching hours: 2.
By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:
Understand indications and contraindications and complications of extraction of teeth.
Recognize etiology and diagnosis of pericoronitis caused by impacted teeth.
Be familiar with disturbances caused by impacted teeth.
Language Training: From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentences chosen from the text to exercise ability of comprehending and writing in English if the course time allowed.
Terms should be taken into mind:
General terms: extraction n. 拔出; access n. 进路,入口; impacted v. 阻生的(牙)succedaneous a. 替代的;代用的;. malposed a. 错位的;异位的; . orthodontic a. 正牙的; devise v. 设计;发明; density n. 密集(度);密度; cancellate a. 网眼状的,格子状的,松的 devitalization n. 失活;去生肌; detritus n. 腐质;碎屑; dentistry n. 牙科学; erupt v. 长出,萌出;
Drug and devices terms: appliance n. 矫正器; elevator n. 牙挺; mallet n. 槌; analgesic a. 止痛的; chisel n. 凿子; bur n. (牙科用)圆头锉.
Anatomy terms: pericoronal a. (牙)冠周的; spine n. 刺;脊柱; subcutaneous 皮下的
Disease terms: periodontoclasia n. 牙周溃坏; chorea n. 舞蹈病; . precox a. 早发的granulation n. 肉芽组织; supernumerary a. 多余的,额外的; traumatism n. 创伤病,外伤病; ankylosis n. 关节僵直; malposition n. 错位; neuralgia n. 神经痛; cellulitis n. 蜂窝织炎; epilepsy n. 癫痫,羊癫疯; dementia n. 痴呆病; ecchymosis n. 瘀斑;皮下溢血;
Treatment terms: apicoectomy n. (牙)根尖切除术;
1) all but… 除…之外全部; 有时作“几乎”、“差点儿”解, for example: He was all but drowned. 他几乎溺死。
2) bring about… 导致…,造成…,引起…, for example: The combination of traditional Chinese with Western medicine has brought about great improvements in the treatment of diseases. 中西医结合使治疗疾病有了很大改进。
Lesson 3. Acute Infection and Inflammatory Process
Arising about the Teeth
Teaching hours: 2.
By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:
Understand symptoms, clinical signs, propagation and prognosis and treatment of acute dento-alveolar abscess.
Recognize symptoms, clinical signs, propagation and prognosis and treatment of osteomyelitis of the maxillary bones.
Be familiar with Carre’s osteomyelitis and osteoradionectosis.
Language Training: From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentences chosen from the text to exercise ability of comprehending and writing in English if the course time allowed.
Terms should be taken into mind:
General terms: . inspection n. 检查; sequel n. 后果;结局; . dissemination n. 散播,传播; radiolucent a. 射线可透过的; morbidity n. 发病率;病态
Drug and devices terms: dam n. 橡皮障; multivitamin n. 多种维生素;
Anatomy terms: dento-alveolar a. 牙槽的; pericemental a. 牙根周的; vestibule n. 前庭;内耳腔; mylohyoid a. 下颌舌骨的; parapharyngeal a. 咽旁的; retrozygomatic a. 颧骨后的;. cavernous a. 海绵状的;多孔的; cortex n. 皮质;皮层; fascial a. 筋膜的; pterygomandibular a. 翼突下颌的; infratemporal a. 颞下的; intracranial a. 颅内的; ramus (复rami)n. 支;
Disease terms: slough n. 腐肉;脱落; sepsis (复sepses) n. 脓毒症;败血症; septicemia n. 败血病; osteomyelitis n. 骨髓炎; subacute a. 亚急性的; fistula(复fistulae)n. 瘘管; osteoradionecrosis n. 射线性骨坏死; dysplastic a. 发育异常的,发育不良的; . suppuration n. 化脓; angina n. 咽峡炎 Ludwig’s…路德·维希氏咽峡炎(脓性性颌下炎); thrombophlebitis n. 血栓性静脉炎; periostitis n. 骨膜炎; hematogenous a. 血原性的; paresthesia n. 感觉异常; sequestrum(复sequestra)n. 死骨(片). sarcoma (复sarcomata)n. 肉瘤;
Treatment terms: curettement n. 刮除术; biopsy n. 活组织检查; chemotherapy n. 化学疗法; . sequestrectomy n. 死骨切除术;.
.1) in connection with…,与…相连,关于
2) in spite of… 尽管,虽然, for example: He kept on fighting in spite of his wounds. 他虽受伤仍继续作战。
3). one after another相继,挨次
4) . at no time决不,从不
Lesson 4 . Affections of the Salivary Glands
Teaching hours: 2.
By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:
Understand symptoms, clinical signs, prognosis and treatment of salivary stones(sialoithiasis).
Recognize symptoms, clinical signs, prognosis and treatment of sialadenitis and sialoductitis.
Be familiar with salivary gland tumors..
Language Training: From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentences chosen from the text to exercise ability of comprehending and writing in English if the course time allowed.
Terms should be taken into mind:
General terms: . roentgen n. 伦琴(X线量单位); staphylococcus(复staphylococci)n.葡萄球菌; streptococcus(复streptococci)n. 链球菌; .lacrimal a. 泪的;
Drug and devices terms: bougie n. 探针;
Anatomy terms: parotid a. 腮腺的; epithelial a. 上皮的; periductal a. 导管周的; lumen n.(复lumina)(管)腔;
Disease terms: sialadenitis n. 涎腺炎; stricture n. 狭窄; lymphoblastoma n. 成淋巴细胞瘤;淋巴母细胞瘤; sialoductitis n. 涎管炎; pyemia n. 脓毒症;脓血症; hyperemic a. 充血的; ectopic a. 异位的; . recur v. 复发; occlusion n. 闭塞,堵塞; dilation n. 膨胀,扩大;扩张(症); sialolithiasis n. 涎石形成; nodule n. 小结节,小瘤; sialolith n. 涎石; virulent a. 有毒的,毒性的;
Diagnostic terms: . sialography n. 涎管X线造影术; sialogram n. 涎管X线(造影)片;
Treatment terms: sialolithotomy n. 涎石切除术 excision n. 切除;
1). by means of… 用…,借助于…for example: Cells multiply by means of cell division. 细胞用细胞分裂来繁殖。
2). in conjunction with… 连同…,和…一起
3). owing to… 由于…,因为…for example: The patient cannot open his mouth owing to pain. 病人由于疼痛而不能张口。
4). account for… 说明…;(总计)占…
Lesson 5. Fractures of the Mandible
Teaching hours: 2.
By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:
Understand how to diagnose fractures of the mandible? One can do it firstly according to the clinical symptoms and signs, such as history, deformity of the face, jaws and occlusion, abnormal mobility, pain, tenderness, crepitus, disability, trismus, laceration, discoloration of the gum tissue and numbness of the lower lip and mental process of the involved side, prognosis and treatment of salivary stones(sialoithiasis).
Recognize importance of x-ray examination and treament principles for fractures of the mandible.
Be familiar with deformity characteristics of fractures in those places of the mandible: symphysis, mental forament region, molar region, angle, ascending ramus, neck of condyle and coronoid process. ..
Language Training: From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentences chosen from the text to exercise ability of comprehending and writing in English if the course time allowed.
Terms should be taken into mind:
General terms: . correspond v. 符合,一致; restoration n. 恢复;修复; violence n. 暴力;猛烈; aggravate v. 加重,使更恶化; regeneration n. 再生,更新;
Drug and devices terms: appliance n. 器具,器械;应用; splint n. 夹板,夹; 牙挺; pin n. 钉,针
Anatomy terms: symphysis(复symphyses)n. 联合; mental n. 颏的;精神的; arch n. 弓; temporal n. 颞颥的; pterygoid a. 翼状的; . opponent n. 对抗肌;. notch n. 切迹;凹口; glenoid a. 浅窝的;关节窝的; condyle n. 髁,髁状突; . coronoid a. 冠状的,喙状的; elevator n. (上)提肌;masseter n. 嚼肌; hyoid a. 舌骨的; sigmoid a. S形的;乙状结肠曲的; coronoid a. 喙状的,冠状的; ossevos a. 骨(状)的; .
Disease terms: fracture n. 骨折;(使)折断; comminution n. 粉碎; . disability n. 无能,无力; discoloration n. 变色; . numbness n. 麻木; deformity n. 畸形; deviation n. 偏向; cripple v. 使丧失活动能力,使残废; laceration n. 撕裂
Diagnostic terms: palpation n. 触诊,扪诊; crepitus n. 捻发音,咿轧音; tenderness n. 触痛; pathognomonic a. 特殊病征的,能判定诊断的(症征);
Treatment terms: fixation n. 固定; ligation n. 结扎; . wire n. 金属丝;电线V用金属丝缚(联接,加固等) ;
1) in turn挨次,依次, for example: The students read the text in turn. 学生们依次读课文。
2) on account of因为. For example: He was absent on account of illness., 他因病缺席。
3) so (+形容词或副词) as to (+不定式)如此…以至于…for example: Will you be so kind as to write a letter for me?请你给我写封信好吗?
Lesson 6. Diseases of the Temporomandibular Joint
Teaching hours: 2.
By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:
Understand main symptoms, clinical signs, diagnosis and treatment of 3 common disease of the temporo-mandibular joint.
Recognize differences between false ankylosis and true ankylosis in terms of causes and clinical manifestations.
Be familiar with disformity and symptoms of true ankylosis of the temporomandibular joints.
Language Training: From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentences chosen from the text to exercise ability of comprehending and writing in English if the course time allowed.
Terms should be taken into mind:
General terms: . excursion n. 移动; extreme a. 极度的,极端的; episode n. 发作; concave a. 凹的,凹面的;
Drug, materials and devices terms: radium n. 镭; gag n. 张口器,开口器; band n. 带,环; silicone n.(聚)硅铜(类); acrylic n. 丙烯酸酯; foil n. 箔,叶
Anatomy terms: articular a. 关节的; geniohyoid a. 颏舌的;sternohyroid a. 胸骨甲状的; omohyoid a. 肩胛舌骨的; fascia lata 阔筋膜; eminence n. 隆凸,隆起; capsular a. 囊的; glenoid a. 关节窝的; 胸骨舌骨的sternohyoid;digastric a. 二腹肌的; platysma n. [颈]阔肌;
Disease terms: subluxation n. 半脱位; ankylosis n. 关节强硬; derangement n. 搅乱,混乱; laxity n. 松弛; scar n. 伤痕; ulceration n. 溃疡; exanthema(复exanthemas)n. 疹病; granulate v. 生肉芽,使成粒状; immobility n. 不动(性); dislocation n. 脱位;. noma n. 走马疳; metastatic a. 转移的,迁徒的
Diagnostic terms: palpate v. 摸;
Treatment terms: self-reduce v. 自行使(脱臼)复位; cautery n. 烧灼术; dissect v. 切开; graft n. 移植物; pseudoarthrosis n. 假关节.;
1) refer to指的是;涉及;参考, for example: He is referring to that case. 他指的是那个病例。
2). not in the least一点也不
3) more or less或多或少
4). contrary to和…相反
Lesson 7. Tumors of Mouth and Jaw Bones
Teaching hours: 2.
By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:
Understand main symptoms, clinical signs, diagnosis and treatment of tumors of mouth and jaw bones.
Recognize differences between nonmalignant tumors or abnormal growth, cysts and malignant tumor arising in the oral cavity.
Be familiar with types of malignant tumor in the oral cavity, modern cancer therapies, such as various radical neck dissections.
Language Training: From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentences chosen from the text to exercise ability of comprehending and writing in English if the course time allowed.
Terms should be taken into mind:
General terms: . pouch n. 小袋,(衣服的)口袋; traumatogenic a. 创伤性的,造成创伤的; transitional a. 转变的,过渡的; advanced a. 晚期的;
Drug and devices terms: isotope n. 同位素;
Anatomy terms: paranasal a. 鼻旁的,鼻侧的; mucoperiosteal a. 粘骨膜的; lining n. 衬里; prostate n. 前列腺; suprahyoid a. 舌骨上的
Disease terms: . hyperplasia n. 增生,增殖; pyogenic a. 生脓的; neuroma n. 神经瘤; torus palatinus 腭隆凸; hypertrophy n. 肥大; ossify v. 使骨化,使硬化; osteoclastoma n. 破骨细胞瘤; myxoma(复myxomas)n. 粘液瘤; hemangioma n. 血管瘤; lipoma n. 脂(肪)瘤; rhabdomyoma n. 横纹肌瘤; extravasation n. 外渗液;溢血; adenocarcinoma n. 腺癌; fibrosarcoma n. 纤维肉瘤; chondrosarcoma n. 软骨肉瘤; Hodgkin’s disease 何杰金氏病(淋巴肉芽肿); melanoma n. 黑瘤; . Ewing’s tumor 尤文氏瘤(内皮细胞性骨髓瘤); metastasize v. 转移,迁徙;. . fibroma n. 纤维瘤; . granuloma n. 肉芽肿,肉芽瘤; giant cell 巨细胞; exostosis(复exostoses)n. 外生骨疣; osteoma(复osteomas)n. 骨瘤; . hyperostosis n. 骨肥厚; edentulous a. 无牙的; osteoid a. 骨样的; . ameloblastoma n. 成釉细胞瘤; odontoma n. 牙瘤; lymphangioma n. 淋巴管瘤; papilloma n. 乳头(状)瘤; myxofibroma n. 粘液纤维瘤; rhabdomyosarcoma n. 横纹肌肉瘤; lymphosarcoma n. 淋巴肉瘤; myeloma n. 骨髓瘤;
Diagnostic terms: nonmalignant a. 非恶性的;
Treatment terms: enucleation n. 剜出术,摘出术; . eradicate n. 根除,消灭; anastomosis n. 吻合,吻合术; marsupialization n. 袋形缝术,造袋术; dissection n. 解剖,分析;.
(be) peculiar to… 为…所特有;限于, for example: Language is peculiar to mankind. 语言是人类所特有的。
Lesson 8. Restoration of Oral and Maxillofacial Defects
Teaching hours: 2.
By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:
Understand principles of restoration of oral and maxillofacial defects.
Recognize detailed surgical procedures for restorations of full lip and cheek defects.
Be familiar with detailed surgical procedures for restorations of surface defects, pacial nerve paralysis, rhytidectomy, and operative correction of malrelations of the jaws.
Language Training: From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentences chosen from the text to exercise ability of comprehending and writing in English if the course time allowed.
Terms should be taken into mind:
General terms: . goodly a. 颇大的; cosmetic a. 美容的; paramount n. 最高的,首要的; vermilion a. 朱红色的; pedicle n. 蒂,花梗; . match v. 使相称; pedunculated a. 有蒂的; regeneration n. 再生,更生; tighten v. 使变紧,使绷紧; . fidelity n. 逼真,精确; rim n. 缘,边; texture n. 质地,结构;
Drug and devices terms: dermatome n. 植皮刀,皮刀;
Anatomy terms: subcutaneous a. 皮下的; Wharton’s duct 颌下腺导管; accessory n. 附件; occipital a. 枕骨的; tragus(复tragi)n. 耳屏; sphincteric a. 括约肌的; . naso-labial a. 鼻唇的; . commissure n. 连合; hypoglossal n. 舌下神经,a. 舌下的; temporoparietal a. 颞顶的; . scalp n. 头皮;
Disease terms: hemangioma n. 血管瘤; drool v. 流口水; macrostomia n. 巨口,颊横裂; nevus(复nevi)n. 痣; mole n. 痣; contracture n. 挛缩; wrinkle n. 皱纹; lymphangioma n. 淋巴管瘤; . neurofibroma n. 神经纤维瘤; . cicatricial n. 瘢痕的; Bell’s palsy 面神经麻痹,面瘫,贝尔氏麻痹; sag v.(面部等)松垂;.
Treatment terms: Estlander’s operation 埃斯特兰德氏手术; anastomosis n. 吻合(术); rhytidectomy n. 皱纹切除术,皮肤拉紧术; resection n. 切除术; reparative a. 修补的; . Abbe’s operation 阿贝氏手术; Bernard’s operation 伯纳尔氏手术; . transplantation n. 移植; irradiation n. 辐射,照射; suspension n. 悬吊(术); prognathism n. 凸颌,颌前凸
1) incident to易于发生的,伴随…发生的
2). along with… 与…一道,与…同时;除…外, for example: He came along with some of his classmates.. 他和他的几个同学一起来了。
3) and so forth等等
Self study: reading material—cystic lymphangioma in the maxillary sinus.
Lesson 9. Oral Surgery for Dental Prosthesis
Teaching hours: 2.
By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:
Understand objective of the surgery for dental prosthesis and types of oral or extraorl prosthetic surgical procedures.
Recognize manifestations of abnormalities in the oral cavitty and/or extraoral regions exwhich are interfering with placement of artifacial dentures. .
Be familiar with detailed surgical procedures for correction of abnormalities. What methods and what materials could be used in replacement of lost mandibular bone.
Language Training: From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentences chosen from the text to exercise ability of comprehending and writing in English if the course time allowed.
Terms should be taken into mind:
General terms: . inflict v. 使遭受; allogenic a. 外源的,他生的; inert 无作用的; excess a. 过多的; trim v. 修整;
Drug and devices terms: rongeur [法] n. 咬骨钳,修骨钳; acrylic a. 丙烯酸的,丙烯酸酯; . magnet n. 磁铁; vitallium n. 活合金(钴铬钼合金); ceramics n. 陶瓷学; silicon n. 硅; implant n. 植入物(移植物) ; magnetic a. 磁的,有磁性的; titanium n. 钛(22号元素) ; . polymer n. 聚合物,聚合体; 铝 aluminum ;
Anatomy terms: mucoperiosteum n. 粘骨膜; frenum(复frena)n. 系带; incisivus = incisive a. 切牙的,切的; alar a. 翼; buccinator n. 颊肌; crest n. 脊突,嵴; . mentalis n. 颏肌; raphe n. 缝; depressor n. 降肌; nasalis a. 鼻的,n. 鼻肌; buccinatoris a. 颊肌的; sulcus(复sulci)n. 沟; genioglossus n. 颏舌肌; prominence n. 凸出物,突起; torus(复tori)n. 隆凸,圆枕; ~patatinus 腭隆突; contour n. 外形; iliac a. 髂骨的,髂的
Disease terms: ankyloglossia n. 舌系带短缩,结舌; exostosis(复exostoses)n. 外生骨疣;prognathia n. 上颌前突; atrophy n. 萎缩; hypertrophy n. 肥大; undercut n. 倒凹; micrognathia n. 小颌;
Diagnostic terms:
Treatment terms: prosthesis(复prosthises)n. 修复术,假体; reposition n. 复位术; replantation n. 再植,重植; autotransplant n. 自体移植物; retentive a. 固位的,保持的; prosthetic a. 修复术的; . frenectomy n. 系带切除术; ankylotomy n. 舌系带切开术; alveolectomy n. 牙槽缘切除术; donor n. 供体 ;
..1) free from… 没有, for example: The wounds must be kept free from infection. 伤口必须保持没有感染。
2). devoid of… 缺乏…,没有…
3). (be) conscious of… 知道…,自觉, for example:, Generally, we are not conscious of our breathing. 一般来说,我们对于呼吸并不自觉。
Lesson 10. Case Reports I
Case 1. Endodontic-orthodontic Management of Fractured Anterior Teeth…
Case 2. Surgical Treatment of Submucosal Tumours of the Hard Palate: Carcinoma…
Case 3. Surgical Treatment of Submucosal Tumours of the Hard Palate: mixed Tumour…
Teaching hours: 2.
By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:
Understand how to describe history, clinical signs of a patient when he or she comes to a dental clinic who having fractured anterior teeth, submucosal carcinoma or mixed tumor of the hard palat, And how to report treamtment procedures and prognosis of those patients.
Recognize how the dentists make a correct diagnosis and the reasons of their treatments.
Be familiar with the diseases of fractured anterior teeth, submucosal carcinoma or mixed tumor of the hard palat,
Language Training: From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentences chosen from the text to exercise ability of comprehending and writing in English if the course time allowed.
Terms should be taken into mind:
General terms: . endodontic-orthodontic 牙髓病学-正牙学的; relapse n. 旧病复发;故态复萌; reepithelization n. 上皮再形成;2. partial a. 局部的;
Drug and devices terms: formocresol n. 甲醛煤酚合剂; scalpel n. 解剖刀,外科用小刀; 丁香酚; formalin n. 甲醛水溶液,福尔马林; bur(r) n.(牙科用)圆锉,钻锥;.
Anatomy terms: vault n. 穹窿; pleomorphic a. 多形的; mucoepidermoid a. 粘膜表皮样的; eugenol n. periapical a. 根尖周的; nostril n. 鼻孔;鼻孔内壁; mesenchymal-like a. 似间(充)质的; cartilaginous a. 软骨的,软骨性的;
Disease terms: lymphadenopathy n. 淋巴结病;
Diagnostic terms: thrill n.震颤;. panoramic a. 全景的,全貌的; stereographic a. 立体X线照片的;
Treatment terms: acid-etch n. 酸腐蚀; pulpotomy n. 牙髓切断术;. pulpectomy n. 牙髓切除术;.
Lesson 11. Case Reports II
Case 1. Preoperative and Operative Considerations in Malignant Hyperpyrexia….……
Case 2. Hypertensive Emergencies………………………………………
Case 3. Metastasis of Adenoid Carcinoma of the Mandible to the Gasserian Ganglion…
Teaching hours: 2.
By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:
Understand how to describe history, clinical signs of a patient when he or she comes to a dental clinic who having malignant hyperpyrexia, heypertensive emergencies, and metastasis of adenoid carcinoma of the mandible to the Gasserian Ganglion.
Recognize how the dentists make a correct diagnosis and the reasons of their treatments.
Be familiar with the diseases of malignant hyperpyrexia, heypertensive emergencies in the recovary room, and metastasis of adenoid carcinoma of the mandible to the Gasserian Ganglion
Language Training: From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentences chosen from the text to exercise ability of comprehending and writing in English if the course time allowed.
Terms should be taken into mind:
General terms: . midsystolic a. 心脏收缩中期的; mesial a. 中间的,正中的;近中的; serum n. 血清;浆液; endodontic n. 牙髓病学; histopathologic a. 组织病理学’; fatal a. 致命的; anesthesiology n. 麻醉学; anesthesiologist n. 麻醉学家; assemble v. 集合;装配; infiltrate v. 使(液体等)渗入,透过; reassure v. 使放心;再向…保证; angiogram n.仰卧的; mitotic a. 有丝分裂的labial a. 唇状的;嘴唇的; urinate v. 排尿; radiopaque a. 射线透不过的,不透X线的; parenchyma n. 实质; cribriform a. 筛状的,多孔的; otolaringological a. 耳鼻喉科学的; rad n. 拉德(辐射剂量单位);
Drug and devices terms: potassium n. 钾;. neosynephrine n. 新辛内弗林,脱羟肾上腺素; electrolyte n. 电解质;电解(溶)液; enzyme n. 酶; nitrous a. 亚硝的; hydroxyzine n. 羟嗪; thiopental sodium 硫喷妥钠,戊硫代巴比土酸钠; nitrous a. 亚硝的; hydralazine n. 肼苯哒嗪; dextrose n. 葡萄糖,右旋糖; meperidine n. 唛啶; supine a. succinylcholine n. 琥珀酰胆硷; enflurane n. 安氟醚; hematoxylin-eosin n. 苏木精曙红; 凝血酶原;
Anatomy terms: esophageal a. 食管的; sartorius n. 缝匠肌; fibrocystic a. 纤维囊性的; cardiopulmonary a. 心肺的; Gasserian ganglion 加塞氏神经节; cervical a. 颈的;子宫颈的; nucleolus(复nucleoli)n. 核仁;
Disease terms: hyperpyrexia n. 过高热,温度过高; pigmented a. 染有色素的; click n. 咔嗒声; myopathy n. 肌病; hypoesthesia n. 感觉减退; hyperthermic a. 高温的,热的; hypertensive a. 高血压的;n. 高血压患者;
Diagnostic terms: workup n. 病情的检查; probe n. 探针;探查; urinalysis n. 尿分析; Wassermann reaction n. 乏色曼氏反应; prothrombin n. 血管造影;
Treatment terms: sedation n. 镇静(作用); neuroleptanesthesia n. 神经松弛麻醉; curettement n. 刮除术; apicoectomy n. 根尖切除术; intubation n. 插管; hemostasis n. 止血(法); odontectomy n. 牙切除术; alveoplasty n. 牙槽整形术;
Lesson 12. Case Reports III
Case 1. Glubbed Fingers: Indicators of Serious Disease……………………
Case 2. Intra-oral Surgical Management of Cystic Hygroma…………………………………
Case 3. Periosteal Benign Osteoblastoma of the Mandible………………………………
Case 4. Haemangiopericytoma of the Floor of the Mouth……………………………………
Teaching hours: 2.
By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:
Understand how to describe history, clinical signs of a patient when he or she comes to a dental clinic who having clubbed fingers and severe pulmory disease, cystic hygroma in the cheek, and periosteal benign osteoblastoma of the mandible.
Recognize how the dentists make a correct diagnosis and the reasons of their treatments.
Be familiar with the diseases of clubbed fingers and severe pulmory disease, cystic hygroma in the cheek, and periosteal benign osteoblastoma of the mandible.
Language Training: From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentences chosen from the text to exercise ability of comprehending and writing in English if the course time allowed.
Terms should be taken into mind:
General terms: . elicit v. 诱出(问题);得出,引起; chimney n. 烟囱,烟筒; impregnation n. 浸渗;注入; Caucasian n. a. 高加索人;高加索的; stroma(复stromata)n. 基质; pulsation n. 搏动;
Anatomy terms: bladder n. 膀胱; index n. 食指; perioral a. 口周的; adnexal a. 附件的; parotid n. 腮腺; nasoendotracheal a. 鼻气管内的; osteoclastic a. 破骨细胞的; osteoblastic n. 成骨细胞的; reticulum n. 网状组织
Disease terms: clubbed fingers 杵状指; allergy n. 变应性,过敏性;. pregnancy n. 妊娠; bruise v. 青肿,伤痕; jaundice n. 黄疸; weather-beaten a. 饱经风霜的;(脸等) 晒黑的; emphysema n. 气肿,肺气肿; cystic hygroma 囊状淋巴管瘤; osteosarcoma n. 骨肉瘤; osteoblastoma n. 成骨细胞瘤;
Diagnostic terms: questionnaire n. 调查表; interrogation n. 讯问;质问; bruit n. (杂)音;
Treatment terms: excise v. 切除
Self-study: case 4: Haemangiopericytoma1 of the Floor of the Mouth
教材名称 口腔颌面外科专业英语教材, Professional English for Oral Maxillofacial Surgery, 史宗道选编 Compiled by Shi Zongdao, MSc., Professor of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery
邱蔚六,张震康主编. 口腔颌面外科学. 第五版,人民卫生出版社,北京:2003;
王翰章主编.中华口腔科学. 人民卫生出版社, 北京:2002
Writing test in the end of the course of 24 hours will be required. The scores of the test will be as final scores of the students for this subject.
The outline of Prosthodontics English course
for seven/five years’ educational system students
Dept. of Prosthodontics, West China College of Stomatology of Sichuan University
Section 1 Basic information of this course
Name (Chinese/English) :口腔修复学专业英语 Prosthodontics English
Code :
Classification :professional course
Class hours :18 Credits :
Section 2 Teaching goals and requirements
Course Description: This course is designed to train dental school students to get the ability to read and learn the prosthetic English articles and textbook. Furthermore, this course will help students to get the ability to communicate with international lecturer, write the prosthetic articles, and do the prosthetic presentation. All of the articles of the textbook are from some typical foreign textbook. They are about some basic theories and basic concepts of the prosthesis. And it is not so hard to understand. Of course reading other prosthetic articles or e-book is encouraged.
Course Objectives:
The successful student is expected to be able to:
1. Understand the basic glossaries and terminology of the prosthesis;
2. Understand the core concept of the prosthesis;
3. Understand the fundamental theory of the prosthesis;;
4. Organize and write a simple prosthetic theoretic or clinical report;
5. Express the report in a presentation.
Expected Background Competency:
The student is expected to have a basic English level and mastery of endodontics, periodontics, oral surgery, removable prosthesis, and fixed prosthesis.
Section 3 Activities
This course requires translating the articles of the textbook, various problem discussing, and case analysis in addition to compelling class presentation on many related topics. These assignments are for students’ training; this material will be learned much more effectively by integrating these activities than from the reading alone. In addition, an important objective is to develop an awareness and appreciation for current issues beyond the concepts that are described in the textbook.
Weekly schedule:
The following schedule is intended to be flexible, with possible adjustments depending on instruction progress.
Week 1: General introduction of this course (2 hours)
Self introduction for checking the attendance; Class etiquette and demand; Introduction of the outline of this course; Introduction the style of teaching and learning; Introduction of the examination; A lecture “Treatment plan of denture”
Week 2: Treatment plan of single tooth restorations(2 hours)
1 The selection of the material and design of the single-tooth restoration is based on several factors
Destruction of tooth structure
Plaque control
Financial considerations
2 Intracoronal restorations
Glass ionomer
Composite resin
Simple amalgam
Complex amalgam
Metal inlay
Ceramic inlay
MOD onlay
Case study
3 Extracoronal restorations
Extracoronal restorations:
Partial veneer crown
Full metal crown
Metal-ceramic crown
All-ceramic crown
Ceramic veneer
Case study
Week 3: Treatment plan for the replacement of missing teeth(2 hours)
The principle of the treatment planning of the missing teeth.
Removable partial denture
Case study
Conventional fixed partial denture
Case study
Resin-bonded fixed partial denture
Case study
Implant-supported fixed partial denture
Case study
Summary of the treatment plan for the replacement of missing teeth.
Week 4: The classification of partially edentulous arches. (2 hours)
The history of the classification of partially edentulous arches.
The Kennedy classification
Case study
Applegate’s Rules for applying the Kennedy Classification.
Case study
Other requirements of an acceptable method of classification
Case study
Week 5: Esthetic considerations of the restorations(2 hours)
The concept of the appearance zone.
The smile line or incisal curve
Maxillary incisors
Mandibular incisors
Middle line, symmetry and irregularity
“Golden ratio”
Age and the anterior teeth
The provisional restoration
“Absolute esthetics”
3 factors upon which color is dependent:
the observer
the object
the light source
3 characteristics of shade:
The factors related with ceramic restoration
How to successfully reproduce the natural tooth in ceramic restoration
Week 6: Direct retainer(2 hours)
2 basic types of direct retainers:
Intracoronal retainer
Extracoronal retainer
Circumferential clasp:
Ring clasp
Back-action clasp
Embrasure clasp
Multiple clasp
Half-and-half clasp
Bar clasp
Combination clasp
Week 7: Indirect retainer(2 hours)
Instability of RPD
Denture rotation about an axis
Factors influencing effectiveness of indirect retainer
Auxiliary functions of indirect retainers
Forms of indirect retainers
Week 8: Finish lines and the periodontium(2 hours)
The 3 requirements for successful restoration margins:
To fit as closely as possible against the finish line of the preparation to minimize the width of exposed cement
To have sufficient
To be located in areas there the dentist can finish and inspect them, and patient can clean them.
Finish line configuration.
Preservation of the periodontium.
Week 9: Metal-ceramic restoration(2 hours)
The structure of metal-ceramic restorations:
Metal coping
Opaque porcelain
Dentin, or body porcelain
Enamel, or incisor porcelain
Bonding mechanism:
Mechanical entrapment
Compressive forces
Van der Waal’s force
Chemical donding
Alloy used
Coping design
There are 4 important features should be consider:
Placement of occlusal and proximal contacts
Extensions of the area to be veneered for porcelain
Facial margin design
Thickness of metal
Heat treatment
Porcelain addition
Porcelain surface treatment
Section 4 Teaching material
Professional English for oral prosthesis
Wang Shao’an, Chao Yonglie (University Edition).
Section 5 Grading policy
The final examination will account for 80% of the grade for the course while the attendance will account for 20%.