【摘要】 目的 观察四川地区人上颌恒中切牙发育沟的表面结构特征,以指导固定修复体的仿真制作。方法 采用一定纳入标准选择58颗四川地区人离体上颌恒中切牙,测量其解剖牙冠长度、宽度,近远中发育沟长度、宽度,以及近远中发育沟两边界之夹角。结果 四川地区人上颌恒中切牙的解剖牙冠冠长和冠宽分别为(11.9±1.3) mm和(8.7±0.8) mm,发育沟长和沟宽分别为(5.7±0.9) mm和(2.1±0.5) mm,近远中发育沟长度和宽度的差异均无统计学意义。冠长与发育沟长的比值为2.1,冠宽与发育沟宽的比值为4.2。近中发育沟两边界之夹角为23°±4.7°,远中发育沟两边界之夹角为23°±5.7°。结论 四川地区人上颌恒中切牙解剖牙冠的长、宽平均值与中国人的平均值接近;冠长与发育沟长之比、冠宽与发育沟宽之比恒定,发育沟所成角度的大小较确定;其数值为固定修复体的仿真制作提供了参考。
【关键词】 上颌恒中切牙 发育沟 形态学
[Abstract] Objective To investigate the morphology of maxillary permanent central incisors of people in Sichuan so as to provide some guidance for emulational restoration of fixed prosthesis. Methods Fifty-eight extracted maxillary permanent central incisors were selected from people in Sichuan. All of the teeth involved in this study were selected according to certain criterions. The length and width of the anatomical crowns, the length and the width of the developmental grooves and the angles formed by the two sides of the developmental grooves were mea-sured. Results The average length and width of anatomical crowns in Sichuan people were (11.9±1.3) mm and (8.7±0.8) mm respectively. And the average length and width of the developmental grooves were (5.7±0.9) mm and (2.1±0.5) mm respectively. There were no statistical differences between the length of the mesial and distal developmental grooves and so were the width. The ratio of the length of crowns to that of the developmental grooves was 2.1, while for the width, it was 4.2. The angles of the mesial and distal developmental grooves formed by its two sides were 23°±4.7° and 23°±5.7° respectively. Conclusion The average length and width of maxillary permanent incisors were close to Wang′s report, which means the length and width of the maxillary permanent incisors of people in Sichuan were quite close to those of Chinese people. The ratio of the length of anatomical dental crowns to that of the developmental grooves was steady, and so was the ratio of the width of them. The angles of the developmental grooves were quite steady too. These may help us in making fixed prosthesis.
[Key words] maxillary permanent central incisors; developmental grooves; morphology
1 材料和方法
1.1 材料
1.2 发育沟的标记方法
1.3 图片采集方法
标记完成后,采用PowerShot A620数码相机拍摄牙齿的照片。拍摄模式设定为“近拍”,强制关闭闪光灯。所拍图片格式为JPG,每张图片大小约1.3~1.4 MB,分辨率约2 048×1 536像素。为使图片清晰,拍摄时相机固定在脚架上,镜头平面与水平面平行,镜头距牙面的垂直距离约为6 cm;牙齿固定,唇面向上,牙体长轴及切缘与水平面平行。为减小二维图像采集时物像形变造成的误差,用1张最小格为1 mm×1 mm的方格坐标纸作为图片背景,以修正物像形变。在白色墙面、深色水磨石地板的房间里,在北窗自然光线下采用自动拍照模式进行照相,避免阳光直射[7]。
1.4 测量方法
用A4相片纸打印照片,采用直线拟合方法,将发育沟的2条边界处理成直线并在照片上进行测量。牙冠的长度和宽度测量方法[8]:冠长为牙尖到唇面釉牙骨质界最低点间平行于牙长轴的距离;冠宽为牙齿近远中接触点间垂直于牙长轴的距离。采用自行拟定的标准,测定以下指标:发育沟长,为切缘到发育沟顶点的垂直距离;发育沟宽,为发育沟两边界与切缘交点之间的距离;发育沟夹角,为发育沟两边界之间的夹角。为减小测量误差,每个样本均由同一人重复测量3次,取平均值。3次测量中,长宽误差超过0.5 mm或角度误差超过5°,则重新测量。采用精度为0.1 mm的直尺和精度为1°的量角器测量每个样本的所有项目。
1.5 统计方法
采用SPSS 11.5统计软件进行分析,计算以上各指标的平均值、标准差、最大值、最小值;统计方法采用t检验,检验水准为双侧α=0.05。
2 结果