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作者:胡凯 周继林 刘洪臣 赵忠诚 荣起国 方竞 日期:2007年01月09日 来源:不详 浏览:


  【摘要】 目的 探讨夹板治疗颞下颌关节紊乱病(temporomandibular joint disorders,TMD)的生物力学机制。方法 采用三维有限元法模拟分析TMD患者夹板治疗前后下颌骨应力分布特征的变化。结果 夹板影响了TMD患者下颌骨的应力分布特征,使其下颌骨各部位最大、最小主应力明显降低,尤其是患侧髁突应力降低更为显著,使两侧髁突应力分布趋于一致,而下颌骨各部位应力对称性亦有所改善。结论 夹板通过改善颞下颌关节的应力分布状况(应力大小、性质和对称平衡性)减轻甚至消除对其的损伤,使失衡的关节内环境得到调整和恢复,此为夹板治疗TMD的最主要的生物力学机制之一。

Effects of the occlusal splint on stress distribution of the mandible with temporomandibular joint disorders

  HU Kai, ZHOU Jilin, LIU Hongchen, et al.

  (Department of Stomatology, Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100853, China)

  【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the biomechanical mechanism of occlusal splint therapy of temporomandibular joint disorders (TMD). Methods The changes of stress distribution on the mandible with TMD before and after occlusal splint therapy were simulated and analyzed by three-dimensional finite element method. Results Occlusal splint influenced the character of stress distribution on the mandible. It might distinctly decrease maximum and minimum principal stresses on each region of the mandible with TMD, among which the stress on condylar surface of ill side was reduced more significantly, and the stress distribution of bilateral condyles was close to equality and balance. Meanwhile, the stress symmetry on every position of the mandible was improved slightly. Conclusions  Occlusal splint can alleviate even eliminate the injury to the temporomandibular joint, and make unbalance of joint inner environment adjusted and restored b


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