The study of histopathology and bacteriology of coronal pulp tissue in deciduous teeth with deep dentin caries
WANG Xiaoli, YANG Pishan, YU Ying, et al.
(Department of Pedodontics, Stomatology Hospital of Shandong Medical University, Jinan 250012, China)
【Abstract】 Objective To study the status of coronal pulp of deciduous teeth with deep caries and causes of pulpal histopathological changes. Methods 45 deciduous molars with occlusal deep caries were selected at random. The patients did not receive any antibiotic for one month. The coronal pulpal histopathology was observed with optical microscopic technique. The bacteria in pulp chamber were cultured by the ways of aerobic and anaerobic culture technique. The dentinal tubular structures and bacteria within the tubules of cavity basal part dentin were studied with scanning electron microscopic technique. Results Coronal pulp tissue of 77.8% of deciduous teeth with deep caries showed chronic inflammation to various degrees or chronic pulpitis with acute attack. There were aerobic and anaerobic mixed infection in pulp chambers of 94.9% deciduous teeth with deep caries. It was found that coccus and bacillus invaded into dentinal tubules of cavity basal part. Coccus located inside tubules with intact tubular walls, while tubular walls were destroyed the bacillus was present. Conclusion There are aerobic and anaerobic mixed infection in pulp chamber of deciduous teeth with deep caries. The coronal pulp tissue shows chronic inflammation to various extent in over 2/3 deciduous teeth with deep caries. Bacillus has stronger destructive power to dental tubules.
【Key words】 Tooth, deciduous; Dental caries; Pathology,oral; Bacteriology
2.标本收集:常规局麻,对45颗患牙行活髓切断术。①用消毒高速钻头开髓,用高压灭菌微量取样器插入开髓孔注入灭菌NS 10 μl,抽吸10 μl,即刻无菌条件下送细菌培养。②完整揭去髓室顶,将其放入蒸馏水中待做扫描电镜观察。③用锐利刮匙切除全部冠髓组织,将其置于10%甲醛液中送检。